iExtension is a work in progress and will be updated frequently. I use this domain as a scratch pad to test and practice methods and functions, that sort of thing. ©Google's Momentum Extension is what gave me the idea and all around UI format. and I 'am not taking credit for the outlining idea. The theme of this site is revolved around HALO. A game I have played for years and gives me a solid base to go off of when I am practicing and working on small projects such as this one. The backgrounds and quotes are halo themed as well.
When logging in and out or adding and removing tasks, the info stored goes directly into your local storage. (username, login, and task list) all share local storage under seperate key value pairs. The information is not given away or shown to anyone else. If you were to open up DEV tools in chrome and select 'Application'. Under the Local Storage tab located on the bottom left of the console screen. You will see your admin and task lists displayed as explained above.
When using the weather widget, the geolaction API is used. Google allows retrieval of locations with a request through the 'getCurrentLocation()' function and allows the storage of latitude and longitude coordinates in variables. For weather retrieval its simple. A fetch request is sent to the 'OpenWeatherMap' api and is accessed accordingly. By merging these two methods together, The coordinates given when clicking "Find my location" button are then stored and returned inside the same function then using that return value, it is then used as inputData for the weather API, therefor the retrieval of the users latitude and longitude are then displayed on HUD section of the screen.
Hope you enjoy this project in progess and hope to revisit in the near future to see some small but powerful updates!
Register and login to get the current weather for your location
Register and login to keep a tab on your daily tasks.
Try entering a task first.
Register and login to display defferent themes.